My blog chronicling my journey to earn my pro mountain bike license. Also talking about things from the bike shop and stuff that I think is interesting or cool.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Review: Specialized XC Light Weight Grip

Specialized XC Light Weight Grip

Let me first say I've never been happy with any of the grips I've ever used on my mountain bike, I've used soft, hard, thin, thick, ergo, round, textured and smooth, and never said "I'm happy with these grips."  Some have been better, some worse, but nothing I thought was good.  As a result I'd be ok with something that was just passable, and what works for me might not work for others.

I tried these grips because they're light (really f--ing light, claimed weight 12 grams), when I weighed them they came up at 9 or 10 on our scale and cheap . . . $10.  How often in cycling can you get light and inexpensive in the same product. . . not often, and usually with bad results.

I couldn't be happier with grips: 
-they're more comfortable than anything I've ever used (which isn't necessarily saying much in my case as earlier mentioned)
-they don't slip
-they're plenty grippy with gloves (haven't tried without glove, but I think they'd be fine)
-they're light
-they're cheap
-did I mention they're light AND cheap

The only small issues I can see/have seen with the grips are:
-they're relatively hard to put on (if you don't have an air compressor, pay your local shop the $5 or $10 to put them on for you, it'll be money well spent; I promise.
-they probably won't last too long. . . they're light and made out of foam, but hey they're only $10

If you are a weight weenie about your mountain bike or a competive racer I think you HAVE to try these out, you might not like them but even if they are just ok, you'll be hard pressed to find a less expensive way to make your bike lighter.

They come in two sizes: small and medium (I'm using the mediums and would recommend those unless you like your grips really thin).

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